3 Things To Know About Polydrug Abuse

Though any drug abuse can be deadly, polydrug abuse (simultaneous abuse of more than one drug) can be especially risky. Individuals who abuse multiple drugs are referred to as polydrug users. Here's what you need to know about polydrug abuse.

1. Polydrug Abuse Isn't Always Intentional 

Though some polydrug users intentionally combine drugs in order to increase the effects of one of the drugs, other individuals are unintentional polydrug users. For example, assume that you have a prescription for painkillers. You don't read the paperwork that comes with the medication, and your doctor fails to mention the drug interacts strongly with alcohol.

You may then regularly drink after taking your medication, which strengthens its effects. Over time, you become addicted to this feeling that's only achievable by combining two or more drugs.

2. Polydrug Abuse Can Be More Dangerous Than Single Drug Abuse

Any type of drug abuse is potentially deadly, but polydrug abuse is exceptionally risky. The reason behind the increased riskiness is that you simply don't know how two drugs will react with another. Drug reactions aren't consistent. It's possible that taking multiple drugs together is fine on one occasion, but on another day, it can prove deadly. The dosage of the drugs, the type of drugs that you take, and your individual physiological response all influence the interaction.

Assume that you take two drugs that are "downers." One day, they might just put you in an ultra-relaxed state, but on another occasion, it's possible that they can depress your central nervous system to the point that you stop breathing. You simply don't know how the drugs will react until you take them. 

Recovery from polydrug abuse also has more risks than recovery from a single drug. If you're physically addicted to multiple drugs, your body will experience withdrawal symptoms for each drug when you try to get clean. For safety purposes, it's ideal to stop your drug use under the attention of a trained physician. 

3. Polydrug Users Are More Likely to Be Suffering From Mental Illness

More research is required, but preliminary research indicates that polydrug users are more likely to be suffering from some type of mental illness. This can make treating polydrug abuse especially tricky.

Not only does the treatment plan need to address the addiction, but it needs to incorporate a treatment plan for the abuser's mental illness. If the drug abuser is in denial about the mental illness, this can make your recovery even more arduous and difficult than it would normally be. 

To learn more, contact your local drug detoxification professionals today. 
