What Lifestyle Changes Can Treat Depression?

There are many people who suffer from depression on a daily basis. To diagnose a person with depression, a doctor must first pinpoint what has caused it. Then steps are taken to help the patient overcome what has put him into a depressed state of mind. Often the person does best with different types of treatments such as medication, counseling and a complete change of the lifestyle that may brought on the symptoms of depression. These are some of the common lifestyle changes that can help someone who deals with depression.

Stress Reduction 

Stress can send you into the spiral of depression quickly. This may be stress that occurs at home, at work, at school or in any area of your life. However, relieving some of the stress in your life can greatly reduce the feelings of depression.

If you are overloaded at work, you may need to cut back on your hours or even look for a less stressful type of employment. If the majority of your stress is due to unhealthy relationships with others, you may need to end those relationships and focus on spending time with those who encourage you and help rebuild your self-esteem.

Not Enough Sleep 

Many people have such busy lives that getting enough sleep is nearly impossible. A lack of sleep is another common cause of depression and may even lead to other health problems as well. Sleep deprivation can can drastically affect your mood. It causes irritability, sadness and fatigue. If you cannot get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night, you may become depressed.

If you are not getting into bed at a reasonable time each night, try to manage your time so that you can go to bed earlier. If you cannot sleep after going to bed, listening to soft music or reading may help you drift off to sleep more easily.

Poor Nutrition 

The foods you eat may also contribute to your depression. Avoid sugary foods and those that are loaded with caffeine. These foods cause the body and mind to crash a few hours after consuming them. This may leave you feeling sad and depressed.

Choose foods that are high in vitamins, minerals and complex carbohydrates. These foods promote healthy brain cell growth and are better for your mind and body as well.

Lack of Exercise 

If you do not exercise regularly, this may also play a role in your depression. Exercise boosts the body's natural chemicals that help you avoid depression. These include serotonin, endorphins and other chemicals that promote healthy brain growth and development. Even taking a short walk a few times a week can reduce depression and improve your mood.


The more you stay alone, the more depressed you may become. Isolation from others is a huge trigger for depression. Take part in activities with others on a regular basis. This can be done through joining book clubs, doing volunteer work or meeting with depression support groups.

These lifestyle changes often make a huge difference in how well a person can bounce back from depression. With help from an experienced physician at Dr Kuris Counseling Centers, it may be possible to put an end to your depression for good.
